For the PaperCrafter's Corner (I)NSD challenge: OUR PEEPS, I chose to scrapbook about my second cancer journey (2012 to present) and a couple of the ways that I give back since my first diagnosis in 2010.
journaling, upper left: Breast Cancer July 2010--lumpectomy; chemo, radiation
Breast Cancer July 2012--double mastectomy; chemo
Dr. Melinda Molin, Breast Care Specialists of Maine
Mercy Hospital Oncology Center
journaling, across the top:
Rockin' my bald head!
July 2012
Andrew + me
Jamie + Andrew
journaling, top right:
My son Andrew and his fiancee Jamie had a vacation different than expected in July 2012. We had two days together before my surgery on July 3rd. After taking me home on the 4th, they took my car and went to northern Maine for a few days. The photos with them were taken at Two Lights/The Lobster Shack on July 10th before dropping them off at the airport and driving myself home.
journaling, center:
I made greeting cards at every treatment to give away to others there, too. I continue to send cards to the oncology social worker to hand out.
The Spa Ladies. I took an enlargement of this image with me for every chemo treatment. I called these days my Spa Days. These Spa Ladies represented my friends and their good wishes who were with me in spirit each time.
Dr. Roger Inhorn--my oncologist
I'm done--November 2013
6 mo. checkup 5/2/14...A-OK!!!
journaling, at the bottom of the page:
Relay for Life June 2012--volunteer for Survivor/Caregiver Committee; Memory Garden and also for June 2013
One of the ways I give back...
June 2014--co-chair of Survivor/Caregiver Committee
close-up of the top half of the page |
The work I do for Relay for Life is really important to me because all kinds of cancer are represented, not just breast cancer. Throughout my treatment I met a lot of people dealing with all sorts of diagnoses and treatment plans. Raising money for cancer research and other important programs of the American Cancer Society benefits all of us.